Monday 28 November 2011

Tsumugi awase

I really  like tsumugi silk. It is so versatile and durable. I`ve finally found something interesting for my only one tsumugi kimono for neat and interesting ensemble. Lovely metallic ochre yellow and brown fukuro obi is perfect and the most beautiful subdued obijime I`ve ever had, newest purchase from ebay.
Putting on this kimono is real challange for me, it`s too long to skip ohashiori fold and too short to do it perfectly, uffff. I wasted about 1.5 hour to do it more or less as I like it:P

tsumugi komon

tsumugi komon


Friday 11 November 2011

Frozen flowers komon

This soft chirimen komon was waiting about year to be used. I was looking for something lavender for this kimono but hopelessly. And finally I`ve got idea to use it as something almost transparent to give soft background for this deep rose and grass green combination.
It`s ages since I`ve shown something from my tansu. I`m so busy and have no time for simple joy of coordinating, taking on and putting off kimono.
But finally I`ve got motivation - tommorow I`m going for  Japanese week  opening in our town. So it`s lovely occassion for kimono. I had to practice cause I was worry if I can do it properly yet. 

Now I can see that this yuban isn`t the best choice:P But who cares....

like frozen rose

like frozen rose

like frozen rose