The all what happened at the night exceeded my wildest expectations. Culture Center RYBA survived the siege, which the owners can not remember. A lot of work!
I`d would like to thank all who attended for the warm words I heard during the opening and a huge thanks to Grażyna, Ania, Nina for invaluable assistance in the implementation of the Evening and the Honourable organizers!.
and so it looked like:
and so it looked like:
I helped my origami master Grażyna in workshop
I told story about kimono kitsuke tips
Thanks to Nina and her game on Yakumo-goto we commemorated the victims of the tsunami in Japan in March
We did small kitsuke show
and the evening finished at 1 a.m. Tough job!
ciekawie wyglądają te warsztaty już na samych zdjęciach, więc podejrzewam, że miałyście niezłą zabawę ;)
dziękuję za komentarz - dodałaś mi otuchy, że mimo tak długiej nieobecności, ktoś jeszcze do mnie zagląda :))
How wonderful pictures they are...!
They are amazing!
And the forth and fifth picture,the girl is playing the instrument...Her kimono(I think it's yours) is amazing!!!It's really beautiful and elegant..!
And you guys are really enjoying the lesson!It is really wonderful.
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