Friday, 11 November 2011

Frozen flowers komon

This soft chirimen komon was waiting about year to be used. I was looking for something lavender for this kimono but hopelessly. And finally I`ve got idea to use it as something almost transparent to give soft background for this deep rose and grass green combination.
It`s ages since I`ve shown something from my tansu. I`m so busy and have no time for simple joy of coordinating, taking on and putting off kimono.
But finally I`ve got motivation - tommorow I`m going for  Japanese week  opening in our town. So it`s lovely occassion for kimono. I had to practice cause I was worry if I can do it properly yet. 

Now I can see that this yuban isn`t the best choice:P But who cares....

like frozen rose

like frozen rose

like frozen rose

1 comment:

dwakoty said...

o matko!!! piekne!!! Az mi slow brak, co, jak wiesz, nie zdarza sie zbyt czesto!!! ;-)