Thursday, 31 March 2011

blue iromuji

Yesterday I went for charity meeting organized in our Lodz Music Academy.
We listened classic music played by students of academy and take part in small auction. All means were raised of cource for Japan help.
There is Shoko san -she often leads kitsuke show in our town.
I put iromuji I combined with tsumugi kimono as donuki and nagoya obi with heian lady motif. After this event I got many details comments from Shoko about my ensemble. She was shocked that I used to tie obi in the front. She promised to learn me as to do it in the back to avoid destroing of seams symetry on my back.



Sunday, 13 March 2011

Distaster in Impire

Charytatywny plakat autorstwa Jamesa White mówi wszystko. Serce mi się kraje...
Sieć i telewizja zalane są obrazami Japonii po kataklizmie. Podglądając to globalne reality show, żenujące niusy w stacjach informacyjnych, relacje nie wnoszące żadnych sprawdzonych informacji, wypowiedzi i komentarze super ważnych specjalistów, mających swoje 5 minut na wizji, zastanawiam się co ja mogę po prostu zrobić zamiast siedzenia w ciepłych kapciach i patrzenia na to bezradnie?

Charitable poster by James White says everything. My heart bleeds ...
 Network and TV are full of images from Japan after the disaster. Watching this global reality show, embarrassing information from news stations, the relations giving  no reliable information, quotes and comments by super important specialists, I wonder what I can just do instead of sitting in warm slippers, and looking at it helplessly?