...jedwabiu, cichy i niepozorny, zdarza mi się jednak go wychwycić, gdy zakładam kimono, a zwłaszcza gdy wiążę pas obi, przywodzi mi on na myśl elegancję i szyk dawnych piękności spowitych w nonszalanckie warstwy kimon, tak jak na obrazach Uemury Shoen, na podstawie której stworzyłam ten obrazek.
Ten cichy szelest bogatej materii, z jakiej szyte jest obi to dla mnie symbol przestrajania mojej zachodniej duszy, przygotowania do pewnej przemiany. Założenie kimona to nie jest dla mnie absolutnie jakaś tam przebieranka, to impuls do wyzwolenia w sobie dążenia do harmonii i jedności z otoczeniem poprzez dobór do okazji, decyzja o kolorach, wzorach i dodatkach dopełnia ten spójny wizerunek. Wizerunek ten nie zakłada podkreślenia własnej indywidualności, lecz okazanie szacunku osobom, które przyjdzie spotkać w tym stroju, zapewnienie o pięknie własnej duszy.
Harmonia, trochę zapomniane słowo...
The rustle of silk, quiet and inconspicuous, but I happen to catch it when I assume kimono, especially when I bind the obi belt, it makes me think of the elegance and charm of old beauties swathed in layers of kimonos nonchalant, like the paintings Uemury Shoen, based on I made this picture.
This quiet rustle of rich material, from which it is stitched obi is a symbol for me retuning my western soul, prepare for a change. Establishment of a kimono is not for me, absolutely there any Dress, the impulse for liberation in the pursuit of harmony and unity with the environment through the selection of the occasion, the decision about the colors, patterns and accessories completes the coherent image. This image does not assume emphasize their individuality, but to show respect to people who will meet in that outfit, to ensure the beauty of his soul.
Harmony, a little forgotten word ...
Harmonia, trochę zapomniane słowo...
The rustle of silk, quiet and inconspicuous, but I happen to catch it when I assume kimono, especially when I bind the obi belt, it makes me think of the elegance and charm of old beauties swathed in layers of kimonos nonchalant, like the paintings Uemury Shoen, based on I made this picture.
This quiet rustle of rich material, from which it is stitched obi is a symbol for me retuning my western soul, prepare for a change. Establishment of a kimono is not for me, absolutely there any Dress, the impulse for liberation in the pursuit of harmony and unity with the environment through the selection of the occasion, the decision about the colors, patterns and accessories completes the coherent image. This image does not assume emphasize their individuality, but to show respect to people who will meet in that outfit, to ensure the beauty of his soul.
Harmony, a little forgotten word ...