Sunday 29 May 2016

my favourite obi ina action

It has been long, long time since last published post on my kimono blog.
I`ve got Invitation from Kimono Friend Kornelia on  "Gofuku no Hi"-an international day celebrating kimono wearing: 
This event encouraged me to open my boxes with wafuku and try to  remind myself forgotten simple joy of putting kimono on.
I love it.
This is light olive green hitoe with hakkake lining and and my favourite deep wine red nagoya obi with toddlers running after a butterfly

Saturday 27 September 2014

Crazy kitsuke session

Forgive not too much proffessional pics. It`s the first attempt to put up kimono in not so much formal and classic way as so far in my kitsuke adventure.
Inspired by some cute poses from the site  I've tried to follow crazy idea to use kimono in funny way:)
Love tsumugi komon kimono, I hope to have much more chance for funny outfit using these versatile kimono.

tsumugi komon1

tsumugi komon1

tsumugi komon1

tsumugi komon1

tsumugi komon1

Monday 22 September 2014

Uguisu and camelia motif tsukesage

To byla spontaniczna i dość nonszalancka przymiarka mojego nowego kimona, które kupiłam dobre pół roku temu. Całe lato o nim myslałam, ale ta pora roku nie sprzyja zakładaniu awase, czyli kimona na podszewce.
Zachwycona jestem delikatnością rysunku ptaszków "uguisu" wśród kwitnących kamelii, piekielne zdjęcia nie oddają w ogóle kolorów, na tych zdjęciach tło jest bladoróżowe:( Tylko ostatnie zdjęcie, nieco zbliża się do oryginału.
Ptaszki mają wyhaftowane oczy i dzioby.
To dziwne, bo po raz pierwszy nie jestem w ogóle pewna, czy kimono jest z prawdziwego czy sztucznego jedwabiu. Pięknie się układa, jedynym problemem jest to że jest przeznaczone dla osoby o wiele wyższej ode mnie. Ułożenie ładnego, chludnego ohashiori to sztuka nie lada.

It was a spontaneous and quite nonchalant trying on my new kimono that I bought a good half a year ago. I thought about it all summer, but this time of year is not great time to puting awase, a kimono with a lining.
I am delighted with the delicacy of drawing Uguisu birds among blooming camelia, hellish pictures do reflect real colors not at all, in these pictures the background is pale pink :( Only the last picture is a little closer to the original.
Birds have embroidered eyes and beaks.
It's strange, first time I'm not sure if kimono is a real or artificial silk. But the only problem is that it is designed for people with a lot higher than me. Laying nice, neat ohashiori it great job.






Saturday 5 July 2014

Tagosode "whose sleeves?" motif

 I love tagasode motif very much, it`s sophisticated and refined, ussually elaboratelly woven or emroidered. All the items I`ve seen ever are terribly expencive. There are many collectors keen on this motif and few items to get. I admire tagosode kimono and obi stuff.

Here there is great explanation of meaning this title motif "tagasode"

Sunday 25 August 2013

my version of summer evening in Beppu

You know this beautiful  bijin ga painting  by Hirano Hakuho? A few years ego I made my yuzen paper version of this masterpiece titled "Evening mist". I still think about it as my one of the best paper works I `ve ever made. Watching some old posts at  my moligami blog I felt  strong need to do kitsuke more or less in this way. My fault -blurred pics, but please share my joy of wearing a kimono since ages!!!

outfit: black sha hitoe & red hakata obi with tsunodashi musubi. I wish I had real summer addings but these I have had to be enough

evening mist

Friday 5 April 2013

it`s time for SPRING finally

Never before all people round have been wainting so long for spring like in this year, me too. Cold and darnkess do not support me in care of my kimono collection. It`s time to look through the things and try new combination for this strange snowy spring

spring kitsuke

spring kitsuke

spring kitsuke

spring kitsuke

spring kitsuke

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Momiji motif in my art

Autumn isn`t my favourite season but the looking at wonderful bright, red maples trees from our Lodz Botanical garden inspired me to mention about great autumn kimono motif like momiji leaves. So searching my kimono and craft collection let me to find quit a lot examples how ellegant and joyful motif momiji is. DSC_0046 w 3 empresses_new_clothes_by_molligami-d4d87np